Getting Ready for My “NO” Season

NO. It is a hard word to say for those of us who like to say YES.

The Dictionary app defines NO as (a negative used to express dissent, denial, or refusal, as in response to a question or request).

I find it interesting that for most of my life, the word NO has been mostly talked about as a negative. Even in this definition, it calls it a negative. But yet, the word NO can very much be a positive.

It can get us out of an unhealthy place or situation. It can relieve us of expectations put on us by others or ourselves. It can give us the time and opportunity to live in the better thing like we talked about last week.

I have been sensing God leading me into a different kind of season over the last few months. This season is going to require a few NOs. Priorities and responsibilities are changing. God Is preparing and making the priorities and pathway clear.

It may mean saying NO to some face-to-face times and using text, cards, or phone calls more. It may mean spreading things out in the calendar way more. It may mean more time for rest and caring for myself instead of meeting another need.

It may mean adding more time of fun and not just time of work. It may mean putting more time into relationships God has brought back to life instead of those that take more than give.

No matter what it means at the moment to live in the better thing, it can be a hard adjustment.

God has been preparing me for this time. He is so faithful to do this for us. It is hard, though, because I am a YES girl most of the time. I love so deeply, and I don’t want to miss anything.

I feel Him pulling me deeper. Deeper into writing and speaking, deeper into long lost relationships coming to life, deeper into remembering that sign language and other things are a part of who I am as much as my cochlear implants, deeper into advocacy, mentoring, and discipleship. Most importantly, deeper into Him.

My body and mind are weary and need rest, and He calls us to come to Him. I want to follow that call.

It doesn’t change anything here, but it will change my day-to-day life some, and it will change my time management.

Is God preparing you for a new season? What might that season look like for you?

Is it difficult for you to say NO? Why might that be, and what do you need to say NO to in your life?

Is anything hindering you from living in the better thing in your day-to-day life?

I encourage you to draw near to God, and He promises to come near to you. Lay it all down at His feet and ask Him what needs to stay there and what you should pick up again. When you call on Him and seek Him, He is faithful to answer, and He promises to be found.

I have wrestled going into this new season, but He is giving me contentment, peace, and joy as I walk towards it now. I look forward to seeing where He leads, and I pray I will follow obediently and faithfully.