Why Is Waiting On God So Hard?

“We are here AGAIN?” I shouted at the Lord.

I don’t know about you, but I feel as though, just like our bodies are made up of an average of 60% water, my life has been made up of about 60% waiting seasons, and probably even higher than that percentage.

Waiting is not easy. It requires some things from us.

“And so, having patiently waited, he obtained the promise.” Hebrews 6:15 (NASB)

Waiting Requires Patience

I have heard it jokingly said the minute you pray for patience, the testing begins. Patience does not come easy. It takes practice and is often learned through the difficult and challenging times of life. Often times in the Bible, I see patience hand in hand with perseverance and endurance.

God’s timing is usually not in line with our timing.

It means being still and knowing He is God in the midst of not seeing Him working sometimes. To be still in His presence, sitting at His feet instead of running around in busyness trying to make things happen that we want to see happen right now.

“Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him;” Psalm 37:7a

As we learn to rest in Him, we will wait more patiently.

I encourage you to take some time to sit at the feet of Jesus today and lay everything down that you are waiting on. Surrender the hard parts of waiting patiently. Be still and know He is our God, the creator of the heavens and the earth, the One who knows us better than anyone, and the One who loves us most.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Waiting Requires Trust

Trust is hard. It is a challenge to earn and easy to lose.

Trust requires there to be a relationship that has been invested in and valued. If someone does not invest or show that they value you or the relationship, trust won’t exist there.

God loves us and values our relationship so much that He invested His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ. God can be trusted. Sometimes we have had earthly relationships that have not been trustworthy, and we struggle to trust God fully.

He is right there, ready for you every moment of every day. He has made Himself available to us through Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection.

“I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:2

In our waiting times, are we able to say these words to our God?

I confess I often struggle with saying these words, especially in times of waiting. I believe, and I trust but get weary in the waiting. Doubt begins to creep in, and I wonder if He is really there or if He is actually working at all.

I have often wondered if He had my back or if He would deliver or rescue me.

Waiting is hard.

Waiting requires patience and trust.

This is something we don’t always talk about either. When a person who is struggling in the waiting times shares this truth, we usually hear all about how God is going to use it for good or talk about how we need to wait with joy and how great it is to have trials because it develops all these wonderful things in us.

And even though much of that is true, it does not take away from the difficulty and challenge of a waiting season. It does not take away the pain or heartbreak in those times. It does not take away the frustrations or battles that come with these times.

We have to stop making things sound so easy or uncomplicated or like it is just a part of life. We need to acknowledge the hard.

So today, we acknowledge this truth.

If you are in a waiting season and it is difficult for you right now, we would love to pray for you. Please leave a comment or send a message and share how we can pray for you.

Heavenly Father, we come before you with those things in our hearts that we are waiting for today. We pray that You help us to be patient in the waiting. We know we can’t do that without you. We surrender our hearts to you, asking that You help us trust You completely. Comfort us in those places only You can comfort. Encourage us and strengthen us as we wait on You today. In Jesus’ Name!