Taking A Break with Purpose

In this writing journey, I have learned about different writing techniques and the process of writing a book and getting it published. I have learned how to make graphics and build a platform. I have connected with many incredible people along the way and I am enjoying the journey.

I think sometimes it is easy to get distracted along the way. I am learning how to have writing workdays and seriously begin to work on moving forward to the dream of becoming an author and speaker but it is amazingly easy to get caught up in things that absorb our time and energy that don’t help us get to the goal or dream we are reaching towards.

We run ourselves ragged with all the need to, and should do’s in our lives.

God is calling me to take a break with a purpose. I need to rest for a little while and I need to work more focused. So I will be taking a break from blogging and social media. I have some of my older blog posts I will be sharing over May and June, as well as scheduled social media posts. Physically though for the most part I will be off of social media.

I am looking forward to a time of renewal and personal time with the Lord.

This is going to take some discipline and self-control for sure because old habits die hard, but I believe God is calling me to a new season.

Are there areas of life, God is asking you to take a break from right now? Are you struggling to be obedient?

These are not easy steps to take sometimes but I am here to encourage you to take them. I believe God has something special in those times for us.

I ask that you pray for me during this time. I also pray that the posts continue to encourage and bless you. I pray that as I come back God will be glorified in some sweet and special ways.

Thank you for supporting me in this journey. I am blessed! See you soon!