Breaking The walls Down

I remember playing with legos with my boys as they were growing up. My son, Kyle, especially. He loved building with legos, and he would make the coolest buildings and structures.

We would build things together, and sometimes after creating them, we would make them fall down. Some of mine would be tall and tight around, protecting the lego people inside. When they fell down, you could see everything and everyone who was inside that structure.

In order for the buildings to fall down, we had to break them apart. Click To Tweet

I think we can be like the people inside those structures. We believe because we aren’t seen or known, we are protected. We believe it is better that God and other people don’t see us or know us because if they did, they wouldn’t like us ,or they would think badly about us.

We keep our feelings, thoughts, and heart hidden. We build up walls around us to keep us protected. We live a lifestyle that keeps people at a distance emotionally, even if they are physically close.

In order for those walls to come down, we have to break them down. We need to bring ourselves to God first and ask Him to help us get to the root of what has caused us to build those walls in the first place.

Last week I spoke about generational mindsets and strongholds that need to be broken. Today I want to talk about the mindset that our emotions and feelings need to be hidden. We have believed the lie that we can’t talk to God about our feelings and we definitely can’t show them to anyone around us. With the walls up no one can really see inside, because we have been taught that either our feelings need to stay where no one can see them, our feelings are not right, or that they are ludicrous and we should be ashamed for feeling the way we do. We have been taught that God doesn’t have time to listen to us and, frankly that our feelings don’t matter to God.

We are left standing in a place where we continually suppress our feelings, shoving them down deep with hopes they won’t float back up again. We believe if we ignore them, they will go away. We build walls up around us so people can’t see what is really inside us ,and we some how think we are hiding it all from God too, or we think we are obeying God because of what we have been taught or shown in our lives.

In the last few years, God has been exposing the truth about this to me. He has begun breaking down those walls in my heart. The first step has been being honest with God about my feelings. I have been talking to Him about my hurts, wounds, and shortcomings. I have been willing to be honest that I need His help because I don’t have the words to say, or I don’t know how to express something.

I love King David, and I have been in the Psalms a lot as I work through breaking these wrong mindsets, and walls in my mind and in my heart. I wanted to share some of the Psalms on here, but there were so many I wanted to use to show all that David poured out on the Lord. I would encourage you to go through the Psalms yourself.

King David shared his heart with God in one of the most varied and transparent ways I see in the bible. He had just about every emotion and situation in there. He shared his sadness, happiness, joys, and sorrows. He shared his fears, frustrations, and anger. He asked God to deal with his enemies. He asked God for His help in situations he was in, and he deeply shared his repentance of sin. He shared his failings and his victories.

He shared his heart with God.

As I read through the Psalms, I felt a freedom I haven’t felt before. I have gone to the Lord with a repentant heart, and I have asked Him for a forgiving heart towards myself and others in this process of renewing my mind, and healing my heart this way.

As we bring these feelings, emotions, and honest places to God, He then helps us to do that safely and in a healthy way with others. Click To Tweet

Have you been stuck in that tightly walled up structure? Are there walls around your heart that need to be broken down? Have you been afraid to be honest with God because of how you have been taught or treated by others?

Let’s break down these walls together, friends!

The truth is God loves us, and He knows us and our hearts. He desires for us to be honest with Him. We matter to Him and our hearts matter to Him. Our relationships matter to Him. There is freedom in that truth. We don’t have to suppress our feelings and the reality of our hurts. We don’t have to hide and be ashamed that we are struggling with dealing with those things.

The enemy wants us to believe that lie, but today we bring truth to that lie. Click To Tweet

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your love for us. We thank You for Your truth. Help us to trust You with those hurts and wounds. Help us to bring those feelings honestly to You. Please speak to us and show us how to work through and process those feelings. Help us to communicate those feelings to those around us in love and out of a healed heart, no longer a broken one. Break down those walls we have put up between us and You, and between us and others. Bring healing to our hearts and continue breaking those generational mindsets and strongholds in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen!